
Showing posts from February, 2019

How to handle stress and become peaceful !

How  to handle stress and become peaceful Stress management  is an important aspect of life. Stress cannot be eliminated but has to be managed. It has to be managed such that we become the masters of stress and not its victims. One should understand that it is not problems but instead, it is the way one looks at them that creates  stress . “A moment of stress takes away the maximum efficiency with minimum friction” Few Stress management techniques Is today’s man living in the world of things or in world of thoughts or beyond both? 1.       Understanding stress To handle stress there are 3 important realities in the realm of yoga. These are  External reality, internal reality and transcendental reality . 1.1  External reality is the world of things The external reality is the reality that we see, hear, smell and touch. We feel that in order to be happy, we have to possess more things, more objects, more of the materialistic or external world. We thin